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Friday, January 6, 2012

Keeping Your Lips Hydrated

Do you have damaged, chapped, or dry lips? I know I do. Especially since it's winter. Here are some tips to protect your lips from the monster that is we call winter. (:

1) First of all, the obvious step to protecting your lips is to use lip balm. The ones I recommend are EOS (and it's in a cool egg shape, too!), Carmex, Softlips, or Blistex Restore and Repair. These are all just normal chapsticks you can find at your drugstore. Blistex comes in a jar, and is good for extremely chapped lips. 
2) Lip scrubs! These are a life saver. My lips get all torn up from braces, and cold, winter air can cause dead skin on your lips. If you can't find one in a store, here's a recipe for one that I use a lot. In a small container, you mix a little bit of sugar and a little bit of honey together. When it's all mixed up, use your finger to scrub it on your lips for about 30 seconds. Then, just rinse it off with a hot wash cloth, and you're good to go! (And it tastes good!) (:
3) If you aren't into the whole lip scrub idea, then get a (preferably old) toothbrush. Gently brush your lips with the toothbrush to get dead skin off. It feels funny, but it works! (:
4) Drink a lot of water! This will hydrate your lips and keep them from drying out so easily. Drinking water also helps with acne, your hair, and overall skin hydration. 
5) Put on chapstick at night. When you are asleep, some people tend to sleep with their mouth open. And this causes your lips to dry out quickly. So, before you go to bed, put on a really good  chapstick. 
6) Eat healthy food! You need vitamins. If you don't have a lot of vitamins, it can cause dry lips.
7) Don't lick your lips a lot. I know it's hard, but licking your lips actually dries them out more. Yikes! 
8) Stay away from caffeine. Excessive caffeine intake can cause your lips to be rough and pale. You don't want that at all! 
9) If you use lipstick, buy one that has moisturizer in it. It will still color your lips, and it feels better than normal lipstick when you apply it! 

I hope this helped you guys. If you have any additional tips or anything I was unclear on, leave me a comment! 
Thanks (:

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Easy Boho Waves -- Tutorial

 I've always wanted an easy, wavy hairstyle. But because of my naturally straight hair, that's kind of hard to find! Well, I have finally done it, though. I've found the perfect hairstyle! And it's easy, too!

All you need is a flat iron, and a curling wand. My flat iron is a Remington 1" iron, and my curling wand is a Hot Tools 1"-1/2" iron.

<-- Hot Tools Curling Wand and..
                   Remington Flat Iron -->

The first step is just to straighten the top layer of your hair. You don't have to do this, but I like to, because my top layers are really messy in the mornings.

Next, I section off my hair into manageable sections. You don't want to be curling thick pieces of hair!   


Then, we start the curling! Woo! All you do is take a 1" strand of hair and pick up your curling wand. Wrap the strand of hair around the wand going from the thick part of the wand to the skinny part. Since we are doing waves, I only hold my hair there for approximately 3 seconds. But if you want curls, then hold it longer. 

Repeat this step for the rest of your hair, until you get to your top layers. The only thing different about the top layers is that I hold the hair around the wand for a few seconds longer. This will make the top curlier, and add more body to your hair. 

When your finished curling all of your hair, just finish off with some product. The products I use are Not Your Mother's Beach Babe Texturizing Sea Salt Spray, and FX Curl Booster. I spritz the Not Your Mother's a few times in my hair, and scrunch it up. This adds volume and bounce to your boho waves. I spray the FX Curl Booster on my hands and scrunch it through my hair, as well. This defines your curls and adds bounce. 

Here's the finished look. 

Well, I hope you guys enjoyed my tutorial! If I wasn't clear about something or you have questions, PLEASE let me know! Comment down there! 
Thanks! (:

Monday, January 2, 2012

16 Beauty/Hair Tricks and Tips

Hey guys! I was just going to start out my first blog with a little beauty advice. I know how challenging it can be to get flawless skin, perfect hair, and awesome makeup when you're a rushed teenage girl. But I'm here to help! Let's get started. (:

1) Wash your face with oatmeal.
Gross, I know. It sounds disgusting, but it moisturizes amazingly! Just get a handful of dry oatmeal, and get   it a little wet (don't get it soggy, though!). Then gently scrub it over your face, and rinse off with a hot wash cloth. It works like a charm!
2) Use eyeshadow as eyeliner.
This works amazingly for me. All you need is an angle brush, and black eye shadow. Just get some eye shadow on the angle brush, and apply just like eye liner. It stays on a lot longer than most drug store eye liner, unless you wipe it off, that is.
3) Dry your hair with the cool setting on.
Most people complain about how their hair dryer's heat kills their hair... But all you have to do is put on the cool setting! It still dries your hair just as well, but doesn't damage it.
4) Yummy lip scrub!
Are your lips feeling dry this winter? Just mix together a little sugar and honey, and scrub it on your lips with your fingers. Rinse off and BAM! Awesome lips (:
5) Instead of powder, use liquid foundation.
Powder foundation can really make it look like you have dry skin. Just apply a light liquid foundation, and then top it off with a loose powder. Not too much, though... That would be icky! (:
6) Natural lip color.
If you don't want vibrant lips but still want color, this is for you. Put on a bright color of lipstick that you would never wear. Leave it on for a few minutes, then completely wipe it off. You'll have colored lips, that still look natural!
7) Fill in eyebrows.
Always fill in your eyebrows with an angle brush and an eyeshadow that matches their color. Your eyebrows frame your face more than you think they do!
8) Soft skin!
Do you have dry hands? Wet your hands, and put a little amount of sugar on them. Scrub the sugar between your hands as if you're washing them. Rinse off.
9) Oily skin?
Change your pillow case and clean your phone often. A lot of oil collects on your phone and pillow case that can make your skin oily... Gross!
10) Cheap shampoo can do wonders...
If you have oily hair, or a lot of product build-up, then buy a cheap shampoo that isn't moisturizing. It strips everything off of your hair. I use "Prell" (a cheap shampoo) a few times a week for a good clean.
11) Baby powder is my friend!
Put a little baby powder on your brush if you have oily hair. Brush it through well, and it soaks up the oil (to a point). Also, keep a little bottle of it in your purse to freshen up during the school day. Just rub on your arms for a clean scent.
12) Bright eyes.
Use a light eyeshadow under your eyebrow to highlight. Also use in the corner of your eyes (the corners by your nose). This brightens up the eyelids.
13) Do you want bigger looking eyes?
Purchase white eye liner (pencil, not liquid), and apply to the inner rim of your bottom eye lashes. Big eyes, achieved! :D
14)  Too big of lips.
If you have huge lips, and want smaller ones, use matte lip colors. Stay away from super glossy lip stick!
15) Defined face.
Use bronzer instead of blush! Bronzer defines the cheekbones and creates depth.
16) Say no to dark foundation.
Always get a foundation that matches your skin! You don't want your face to be Jersey Shore orange and your neck to be pale. Blend in your foundation down to your neck -- make sure your makeup never ends at your jaw line!